The winter is over and we feel bloated, tired and far from bikini-ready. Here are a few simple tips to kick-start a healthy new lifestyle
Small Steps:
If you want to improve your diet, rather than drastically change it, try cutting out one naughty craving, like mid-morning snacks. Taking small steps is the only way to make fundamental changes in your life. If you set yourself realistic goals that you can work towards, you’ll get what you want. In contrast those who try and make radical changes in their life are less likely to succeed, as their challenges are usually unrealistic.
Drink water:
All models consider water to be an essential beauty product – nothing else so directly affects the look and feel of your skin. Water can also help your diet: often when we think we are hungry, we’re actually thirsty. If you drink two litres a day, you’ll know that any hunger you feel is definitely for food.
Smart shopping:
Supermarket shopping is a minefield when it comes to healthy eating, so stick to some simple rules. Always make a list of what you need and make sure you stick to it. Never go shopping when you’re hungry: you’re guaranteed, not only to buy more, but also to ‘treat’ yourself to unhealthy snacks.
Willpower isn’t really something that you have or don’t have; it’s a skill. It’s a sign that you’ve decided to make a conscious decision to do something about your life. When your brain is motivated in the right way, healthy food actually tastes great, and you’ll want to eat it. Eventually your brain will be tricked into believing that healthy food is more satisfying and it won’t be an effort to choose it over junk food.
Appreciate food:
Eat with awareness. Don’t gulp down food or eat on the run. Sit down and really take notice of what you’re eating with all your senses. This will allow you to take pleasure in eating. Eating quickly also means you eat more as your stomach doesn’t have time to register that it is full.